Photographing the Summer
With summer officially over for this year, I've been dying to share some of my favorite images from my family's adventures. Summertime is a time of rejuvenation for me - my work schedule is decreased so I can spend irreplaceable time with my children and husband. My husband's family is located in CA, so each year we travel across the country so our children can play with their cousins, and we can spend time with Aaron's brothers and sisters. With this trip comes seemingly endless time spent at the beach and the pool. All of our yearly stresses, concerns, anxieties get a chance to be washed away by the salty water, scrubbed off while rubbing our feet on the sand. This is the best time for me to document my own family, it is the best time to get out of the rut of photographing them everyday in the same place - our home. During this time I often find myself extremely inspired photographically and this year was no exception. My camera goes with me everywhere, even the sandy beaches and the wet pool, because its always when I don't have a camera that the best scenes unfold in front of my eyes.